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Kundalini Yoga & New Moon in Aquarius Gong Bath

To be held in the Centre Room

The price to attend is £20 per person

To book your place email: Email: or call: 07966 626144

Sat Nam beautiful beings, 

We’ve done it, we’ve made it to the other side. January can be a tricky month, with all the fun and festivities over and possibly the waistline and bank balance showing signs of excess and the pressure for a "new start, new you plan", I generally tend to avoid it all and come out of hibernation sometime in February. By then the gyms are a bit quieter and all that enthusiasm has worn off a bit!  Also, with the sun in Capricorn it can be a bit of a shaky time. But we have almost done it…( *pop head out of cave gingerly *). 

Come and join us on Friday 20th just as the sun moves into the sign of Aquarius and the day before the New Moon!

To once again have a clean, clear canvas to paint our life’s dreams on. Another chance to start again. With the new moon in Aquarius the theme is on realigning our life to fulfil our heart’s purpose.

The world needs you, it needs you to be more you. If you could do one thing every day for the rest of your life what would it be? are you doing it? what would happen if you did? To have that unwavering trust and trust in yourself that no matter what you’re going to do it.  Aquarius also wants the greatest vision for humanity and is a bit of rule breaker, freedom fighter for it. So ask and offer help if you can, connections and collaborations are where it’s at. 

It’s a good time to break old habits and make big changes. So let’s use the dreamy freedom seeking quality of Aquarius to help us out of winter and into spring. 

We will do a kriya for the 10 bodies. It is said that "all disease exists first in one of these spiritual bodies before it manifests outwardly”

with that in mind we can get ourselves into good shape quickly not just physically but emotionally and spiritually too. As always we will also take time to enter deep meditation and relaxation with gongs so the body can adjust to these changes. 

I hope you can join us,