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Kundalini Yoga & Full moon Gong Bath Relaxation

To be held in the Centre Studio

The price to attend is £20 per person

To book your place contact Lacey on


Mobile: 07966626144

Sat nam everyone, 

I hope you have planted your dreams for this new astrological year starting right here in Aries. Consciously or not, as Esther Hicks would say, those “rockets of desire” are getting shot out to the ethers. There’s still a bit of time right now before next week’s full moon to get all of your hopes and dreams for this year on to paper or at least on some digital notes. 

With the sun still in Aries with all of its passion, energy and desire for new beginnings we now have the added balance of Libra energy. Full moons are a time for completion but this first full moon of the astrological new year wants us to find balance. Balance in our emotions, balance in our lives, balance in our bodies. It wants us to release anything that’s weighing us down so we can start this new beginning of spring with lightness and clarity.

What’s weighing you down? What’s keeping life out of balance? Physical weight? I know I for one want to shift a few pounds before summer! What thoughts are weighing us down? What is heavy or stuck? Another garage clear-out is on the cards for me this wknd plus a bit of decluttering, a spring clean perhaps anyone? 

We will be doing Ajna stimulation Kriya which is designed to bring the whole glandular system back into balance. It focuses on the pituitary gland, this master gland senses our bodies needs, controls hormones, growth and metabolism and reproductive function so we want it to be in good working order. 

We will do a meditation to clear the karmas and if we have time we will also do a special sat nam wave meditation which is a call from the heart that will balance our energies and lead our consciousness directly to its primal source. Beautiful!

As always we will end with deep relaxation and let our bodies recalibrate and find their own balance so we leave feeling clearer, calmer, more secure and well…. just joyful. Happy to be alive. Whilst we are. 

I hope you can join us. 

Earlier Event: 6 April
7 Neovana experiences in 1