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Kundalini Yoga & Full Moon Meditation Healing Ring of Tantra

Located in the South Studio

The price to attend is £20 per person

To book your place contact Shakti:


Mobile: 07966626144

Sat nam wondrous souls,

It’s the evening of the full moon too, so we can use this powerful energy of the moon to help us in our practice. Full Moons in general light up the darkness, they offer us the magical beaming light to see whats’s hidden, not in an interrogative way but more with loving curiosity of wanting the best for us, raising us up, so we can be more ourselves, more authentic. 

With the hot summer sun in airy Gemini themes of confusion, questions, thoughts, uncertainty, indecision can come up. This air sign can make us a bit air headed. Lots of thoughts and ideas but not much action. Make sure you make lists, mind map or brain dump everything and get them out of the head and onto something else, for me it’s paper, something I can see, touch and feel. 

 Once out of the head we can look and find the gems, the things that really do spark joy, the things we want to do, see, think, work on, spend more time on. 

This moon wants us to question everything, it wants us to be authentic and go out and share our creativity with the world, but we can’t do that if we’re too bogged down with “shoulds” and “ought to's” and what is expected of us.

 With the full moon in Sagittarius there can be a nervous energy, a level of anxiety and restlessness with all this questioning. Luckily with the free spirited, independent and curious traits of Sagittarius we can guide this energy to a compassionate inquiry rather than self sabotage or punishment. 

We will do a lovely kriya, It’s called the kriya for achieving comfortable, happy sleep and ideally you go straight to bed after! So hopefully that works. This kriya is said to take away weird dreams and clear the subconscious. Part of this kriya also has in it a 31 min nap! But there is a bit of movement beforehand. We will also do Kirtan Kriya, it’s a classic mediation that brings mental balance and awakens the infinite capacity of the soul. It’s a mediation to know the unknowable and see the unseeable. It has been proven that 12 minutes of Kirtan Kriya a day can improve cognition and memory function, and helps to prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here to learn more about the clinical research on the effects of Kirtan Kriya 

We will end with the healing ring of tantra, some of you have done it with me before. It can only be done on 3 precise days in the month and the full moon is one of them, so it’s special and very powerful. It is said to transcend time and space. You have the intention of healing and send out this prayer or wish. You can be in the centre of the circle and receive the healing or send it to anyone who needs it. Yourself included. It’s one of my favourite meditations and as far as I’ve seen, everyone leaves with a joyful energy after. We need 11 people around the outside of the circle for it to take place. 

What To Bring 

  • Yoga Mat ( we have spares if you forget or don’t have) 

  • Blanket to cover up with for gong bath and to pad ankles and knees

  • Cushion if it's hard to sit on the floor 

  • Wear comfy clothes and make sure to bring extra layers for relaxation & warm socks 

  • Water or drink 

  • Your light heart and maybe you PJ’s?