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Wise Woman Winter Retreat

To be held in the Barn Studio

The price to attend is £125 per person

Your Retreat includes a delicious homecooked Vegan lunch, carefully prepared by the Crow Spotter’s Cafe.

‘Cosmic Dancer’ with Sonraya Grace.

“This is the time when women must truly value themselves, their power, their voice, their beauty and sovereignty to become the shining lights that restores the balance in our world”.

(The ancient Ones – the ‘Great Council of Grandmothers’)

During these intense times of change we are called to step up and become the woman who is empowered ready to fully embrace her power as a sovereign being of divine light. 

This is a powerful time of year as we descend deeper into the dark months of the year, a potent time for transformation, to honour our ancestors, to heal and let go, and sow new hopes and dreams in the Cosmic Womb.  We become the Cosmic Dancer, creating the world we wish to live in.  We are the midwives of a new world that upholds peace, love, and unity with all things.

This Retreat is the second of the season that invites you to connect with your Ancestors to heal and transform the old energies, that have kept you stuck. Awaken your divine birth right, allowing a new version of yourself to be birthed in the light of the new dawn….Let your Divine radiance shine.

We will dive deep into the wisdom of this potent time to give voice to what is ready to be witnessed and released.  We will harness the power of your inner temple and cave of alchemy, and reclaim the love of your wise, wild woman.

As we journey to reclaim our power, we liberate not only ourselves but our Ancestors also freeing our future generations to express their true divinity.

There is also much ‘gold’ to be received in terms of new gifts and wisdom to be returned as we honour our sovereignty. The time is NOW to stand in our power preparing the way for the new energies of 2023.

The darker phase of the year is a potent time for us women as we prepare for an abundant spring. It is one that honours our natural rhythms and cycles and flow in life.

BONUS (optional extra)

90 minute One to One Healing Session at my home in Poole or online, to deepen your healing and awakening (with 10% discount available until the end of January 2023)

What we will explore:

  • Journey deep in Shamanic Journey – The Cave of Elders, connect with your ancestors, heal patterns of betrayal and separation that affect your self-esteem and self-worth – the key to your abundance.

  • Work with your sacred womb space (inner cave of alchemy) and the Cauldron of transformation

  • Sacred ceremony, connecting with Sacred Oak and our Ancestors in gratitude.

  • Work with the Goddess Calleach, known as the Queen of Winter and Grandmother Weaver who supports the new version you are becoming - work with the Net of Light and your place within the web.

  • Rest in the Cosmic Womb and receive nourishment and inspiration from the Galactic Heart and your Star Ancestors.

  • Sow new seeds of growth and positivity in dreamtime and the Cosmic Womb.

  • Finish the day with a gentle Sound Healing Bath with crystal singing bowls/Tibetan bowls, to balance and harmonise your system.

Benefits to you:

  • Be held and empowered as you descend into winter darkness as you are welcomed into the womb of the Cosmic Mother.

  • Feel nourished and nurtured as you prepare for an abundant spring

  • Heal your mother and father ancestral lineage and feel empowered by their wisdom and gifts.

  • Deepen your feminine embodiment practice to reclaim your womb and heart wisdom to feel more love, confidence, and trust in yourself

  • Deepen your connection with Mother Earth and your wild nature through beautiful ritual with the surrounding land, nature spirits, ancient trees and their tree spirits

  • Experience deep Shamanic Drum journey that connects you with your power animals and spiritual elders to assist your healing and transformation

  • Feel nurtured and supported by your sisters, learning to receive as well as give…. As one person shifts you support the transformation of the whole.

  • Space to dream and sow new seeds of hope and vision that will be nurtured during the dark cycle ready to be reborn in the spring.

  • Womb and Sacral chakra healing, coming home to your inner wisdom, intuition and deep knowing.

Earlier Event: 4 December
Space to Reconnect
Later Event: 5 December
Slow Flow with Melissa Lomas