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Women's Nourishment Circle with Sonraya Grace

Location: South Studio

Early Bird Single Price £29

Standard Single Price £33 pp

Early Bird Price for Two – Bring a friend or sister £58

Standard Price for Two – £66

A session for women, including those that identify themselves as a woman, young or older who would benefit from connecting more deeply with their heart/body wisdom and inner beauty and power.

Summer's Harvest - Beginning of Autumn Fall

As the summer holidays come to an end and the heat of summer wanes, we feel the turning of the seasonal wheel. This is a time to pause, take stock, to replenish after a busy summer, as we move towards the Full Moon and the Autumn Equinox a time of harvest and rebalance. We will take time to reflect, to let go of anything we no longer need and to rebalance our inner outer resources, our yin and yang energies.

Weather permitting we may take our feet out to the grass and feel the vibrance of Mother Earth as we move and dance. With drum and rattle, feel the heart beat of Mother Earth and come into deeper resonance with her natural rhythm empowering you to follow the beat of your own drum.

Leave feeling calm, yet uplifted, supported, and inspired to believe in the embodiment of your sovereignty.

In these transformational times it is so important for us to keep coming back to our centre, to nourish our inner well, to reconnect with our source of love and compassion and being in circles with our sisters is deeply supportive and empowering for us all. As one of us shifts we support the elevation and freedom of the whole.

What is included in these circles?

Typically, these monthly sessions will include a grounding meditation to begin, a sharing circle, form of feminine embodiment practice including movement, sacred breath, sacred womb healing, working with the power of sound sometimes our drums will call and at other times a deep rest and cleansing in the pure sounds of my crystal singing bowls.

Come join me to nourish your inner well and replenish. To move, to bring flow, rebalance, and find stability in your body as you plant yourself firmly on the Earth. It is time we develop a deeper trust in ourselves and the greater force of Life that is holding you through all change.

Our sessions can include:

  • Feminine sacred womb practice and breathwork to cleanse, nourish and heal.

  • A renewed connection with your sacred womb, receive sacred healing and activations through breathwork and Sound to awaken your feminine power and increase your levels of intuition and confidence in your self-expression.

  • Intention setting, to get clear of your wants and desires.

  • Gentle movement, shaking loose, softening into our body and moving to create more energy and vitality

  • Realign with your soul and spirit giving you a sense of peace, clarity and knowing.

  • Feel empowered and supported as you are held within sacred space with your sisters.

  • Embrace the New Moon energies to let go and bring clarity and focus to your new desires and dreams.

  • Feel safe to explore and express who you are as you are held in the oneness of the circle and the Great Mystery.

This is a sacred circle that offers you a safe, non-judgemental space to heal, connect, nourish your connection to Spirit and our beloved Mother Earth, find clarity, guidance, comfort and feel empowered to follow your path of truth, whilst held in circle with your fellow sisters.

I have been holding space for for women since 2000.

Come join our circle to support your sense of belonging, community and healing.

All of you is welcome; your tears, your fears, your joy and laughter, all is honoured and witnessed with compassion and celebration in our circle.

Together we are stronger. Together we unite in sacred circle, to feel the beat of our hearts as One, to be the co-creators and midwives of our New Earth.

women's nourishment circle with sonraya grace

What to Bring:

  • Please bring something to lay on and a blanket and cushion so you feel comfortable

  • Water (it is important to stay hydrated

  • A drum and/or rattle if you have one (not essential)

  • Something from nature representing summer.

  • Any personal crystals, talismen objects of power that you wish to place in the sacred space to absorb the energies of the evening.


    If I have to cancel the event, you will receive either a full refund (excluding eventbrite fees) or I can transfer your booking towards any next Event scheduled in 2024.

    In the event of you deciding to cancel your booking, as long as I receive this in writing up to 7 days prior to the event you can receive a refund via Eventbrite (Eventbrite fees are non-refundable). Alternatively, I can transfer your booking to the next event.

    If you have any questions or queries about any of the information provided above please get in touch with me at website:

Sonraya Grace is a Rebirth Doula, Soulful Intuitive Healer, and Spiritual Teacher. She offers women a safe and transformational space to activate, and awaken their authentic feminine power, leading them to fully embody and express their true wild magical nature. With 25 years’ experience of working with multi-dimensional healing modalities, she loves to weave her wisdom and power of Earth and Shamanic medicine, sacred Rose heart and Womb Healing, Sacred Ceremony, and beautiful Sound Healing with her Crystal Singing bowls.

She is passionate about raising consciousness to co-create our New Earth based on mutual respect, love, and unity helping us all to balance our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Power.

Earlier Event: 6 September
Slow Flow with Melissa Lomas