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Rose Sanctuary Ceremonial Evening

Location: South Studio

Price To Attend:

Standard price £45 

Abundance £55 

Concession £35 (low income, student, NHS)

Embrace Rose Alchemy 🌹  

 We are delighted to invite you to a devotional evening at Rose Sanctuary

Join Kasia and Anais, two women united by the mystical power of roses, as they guide you through an immersive experience celebrating the beauty and wisdom of this sacred flower. 

 Event Highlights:  

🌹 Anointment Ritual 

🌹 Rose Teachings 

🌹 Tea Ceremony  

🌹 Sharing Circle 

This enchanting evening is designed to deepen your connection with the rose, allowing its sacred energy to inspire and transform you. Through these guided practices, you will explore the spiritual and healing properties of roses, unlocking their profound messages and blessings. 

Whether you are new to the world of roses or have long appreciated their magic, this event offers a unique opportunity to embrace their alchemy and integrate their wisdom into your life.  

Feel the call of the rose? Reserve your space now and be part of this unique and transformative evening. Womb folk only.

We look forward to sharing this extraordinary experience with you. 

Warm regards, 

🌹 Kasia & Anais

 *no cancellation accepted