Location: South Studio
Price to Attend: £45.00
Come on a Pilgrimage of Love, Healing and Inspiration for 2024 with Rj and Sandy
We will be weaving the Sacred Healing Sounds of Tibetan Bowls, Gong and Crystal Alchemies with the Rose Alchemy Rose codes of Love and Light and the beautiful Rose Dragon energies for a unique and magical journey of deeper homecoming to Self.
Be bathed in the Sacred Sounds of Rj’s mastery with the Tibetan Bowls and Sandy’s Tibetan Gong and The Crystal Alchemies.
Experience connecting with the whispered wisdom of your Rose Heart for guidance and insight for the next steps on your own journey in 2024. Expect the opportunity for deep relaxation with beautiful sounds… a healing meditation and sense of true heart coherence and embodied presence.
We will also be creating a group Rose Mandala of Love… and on the waves of Sacred sound sending out healing for our loved ones and a global healing intent of Pure love and compassion for Mother Earth and all who are suffering.
Bringing pure vibrational medicine and a soothing balm for Heart and Soul…
Rj Noble
Rj is an International Sound Healer and Sound Therapy teacher and a Master in his work with Tibetan Bowls, bells and gong. He is based in the New Forest and personally sources high quality sound instruments in the Himalayas for his students and clients. www.sweepingsounds.com
Rj and Sandy have been friends and colleagues for nearly 20 years.
Sandy Humby
Sandy Humby is the visionary creator of the Rose Alchemy: Rose Oracle for the Heart and coming NEW for 2024 The Rose Dragon Oracle. She is an Energy Alchemist, a House Whisperer and a Sacred weaver with sound. She creates beautiful Mandalas of Love and Grids of Light with her Roses to bring healing to hearts, homes and the land.