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The Call of Eagle - Shamanic Power Drum Circle

To be held in the Centre Studio

The price to attend is £24 per person

Welcome to our Drum Circle, The Call of Eagle - Shamanic Power Drum.

I will be holding a heart centred space for men and women to come together in circle, to discover your own drum beat both within the circle and within your own life.

Become one with the drum and discover your own rhythm and authentic expression.

Feel safe to explore and express who you are as you are held in the Oneness of the circle and the Great Mystery.

This is a sacred circle that offers you a safe, non-judgemental space to heal, connect, nourish your connection to Spirit and our beloved Mother Earth, find clarity, guidance, comfort and feel empowered to follow your path of truth, whilst held in circle with your fellow brothers and sisters.

I have been holding space for Women's Shamanic Circles and women's groups since 2000. As we move into building firm foundations for our New Earth based on unity consciousness, I am now offering a safe space for men and women to come together.

Each month you will be invited to focus on:

One of the Directions of the Medicine Wheel to deepen our connection with the Element and the Spirit Animal to aid our path through Life.

As we move towards the Summer Solstice and the height of Summer, we welcome the powerful life force of the Sun and the abundance of all life. We also meet in the days leading up to the New Moon on Sunday also Father's Day, giving us an opportunity to let go of any limitations we may be holding on to and giving space to be in balance and unity with both our feminine and masculine qualities allowing us to fully radiate our brightness and express our inner abundance with joy and vitality ready for the Summer Solstice on 21 June.

We will journey to meet our Spirit Guides and Power Animal to help us let go and receive their energy and wisdom and to awaken the full spirit of our Divine spark.

Allow Great Spirit to strengthen you, bring you courage, faith and trust in the bigger picture and the Divine Being that you are.

Sacred Circle


  • Open our Sacred Circle with the Four Directions and Five Elements

  • Talking Stick - Group sharing and voicing our Sacred Prayers (if you wish to)

  • Group Drumming to empower our Sacred Prayers and Intentions

  • Receive a Shamanic Soul Journey as Sonraya guides you to let go and receive.

  • Connect you with your Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals, receive healing, wisdom, inspiration and new Light frequencies to empower your spiritual journey.

  • Group share

  • Close Sacred Circle and give thanks.

Benefits of Drumming

Drumming is the heartbeat of Mother Earth and is considered a tool of empowerment.

The rhythmical beating of a drum is one of the oldest practices of humankind. The beat of the first drum perhaps reminded our distant ancestors of that very first rhythm we heard, the comforting heartbeat, of our deep connection to the body of our mother, and to Mother Earth herself.

The Shamans in ancient times knew this and would use drumming to enter an altered state of consciousness to connect with Great Spirit to achieve greater heights of self-awareness and consciousness.