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The Tangible Transformation Experience

To be held in the Centre Room

Suggested Contribution £125 - Limited Places Available

To book your place please email or

Have you ever thought there is more inside of you that wants to be known and seen? Our retreats are specifically designed to do just that. To reveal your absolute light and honour all that has brought you to this moment in time.

Everything below is what you receive from this outstanding experience...

The way we begin this journey is to first make your Cosmic Blueprint, which is a book for you, about you; and no two books are the same.
The book is in A4 hardback and around 70 pages long.

Your soul is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that holds the light, wisdom and lessons of many lifetimes. By utilizing the tools within this book we will be exploring your character, your destiny, giving you clarity, embracing creativity, looking at how you make decisions, what are your tendencies, recurring obstacles that you manifest and how to move through them so you can live as your true self.

We will explore your Cosmic Blueprint Book during an individual 1:1 Session organised before the Retreat. This will help you understand your book and how to use it, learn how to set powerful intentions with your unique Cosmic Codes and call back your star origins to awaken to your highest purpose as you discover your unique Cosmic Blueprint for your ultimate growth!
Once you have embraced who you are at your soul level, this will enlighten your path as you lead every day of your life.

On the Day...

We begin with a ceremonial blessing and heart opening meditation to set the sacred space. We will then individually activate and balance our Throat Chakra with our powerful and unique Cosmic Codes.

The workshops that follow:

Transformative Breathwork Practice with Naturally Lottie Breathwork Coach
Using a Shamanic approach to breathing you can expect profoundly altered states of consciousness, and the release of any energy blocks stored in the physical body, emotional body and energy field.

The benefits of Breathwork have been studied and proven to

  • Balance blood pressure

  • Better the immune system

  • Better the circadian rhythms

  • Release stress hormones from the body

  • Strengthen respiratory function

Bowen Energy Journey

By the legendary Joanne Figov, combining her in depth knowledge of the Bowen Technique, and her own unique modality - Golden DNA. Joanne has 30+ years of practice in the energy healing realms, and I personally have had past life experiences during my sessions with her.

The Bowen Technique consists of sequences of small moves at varying pressures, each at a specific site on the body. Joanne will use light, cross-fibre manoeuvres of muscle, tendon or ligament (with no forceful manipulation), that signal the body to completely relax, allowing the soul to receive whatever message it needs while she guides us through this special journey.

Joanne will also use her * intuitive skills with Tarot cards * This will be an interactive session using the cards for spiritual insight, answering any questions you may have. This session goes very well with the Cosmic Blueprint session we have planned, empowering you with knowledge and tools to cultivate your own unique gifts.

Sound Healing Journey

Stephanie Smith will take us through a deeply-immersive and full-body experience with a powerful therapeutic and restorative process for Mind, Body & Soul.

She will be leading the *Sound Healing Journey * to close the Day Retreat. The sonic frequencies of the Himalayan Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gong and beautiful grounding instruments will transform you on all levels, as you bathe in the miracle tones and healing sounds, relaxing your entire body and restoring balance and harmony to the nervous system and energetic pathways.

We will also have a most delicious plant-based and organic lunch provided for us from Crowspotter Cafe! YUM

If you are interested in attending, please fill in the booking form at

There is a PayPal link at the bottom of the form.

If you need to discuss payment options please email