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Wise Woman Winter Retreat Programme with Sonraya Grace

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Connect with your Wise Woman & Inner Temple

This is the time when women must truly value themselves, their power, their voice, their beauty and sovereignty to become the shining lights that restores the balance in our world
— The ancient Ones – the ‘Great Council of Grandmothers’

During these intense times of change we are called to step up and become the woman who is empowered ready to fully align with her authentic Self.

The Goddess, the Divine Feminine continues to rise in each of us.  Mother Earth calls us home.  She calls us to come into balance, to heal and let go of the old conditioning and belief patterns that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Programme Dates:

  • Saturday 20 November 2021 – 10-5 pm (near to Full Moon)

  • Saturday 11 December 2021 – 10-5 pm

  • Sunday 19 December 2021 7.30 – 9 pm Zoom Full Moon completion

Join our sacred circle of women for a powerful two-day Winter Feminine Retreat Programme on both Saturday, 20 November and 11 December, enabling you to journey deeper and to be supported over a powerful time of energies as we lead up to the end of 2021.

We conclude with an online Zoom 1.5 hours evening workshop on 19 December 21, being the last Full Moon of 2021, which brings our Retreat programme to a gentle close.

Dive deep into the darkness to harness the power of your inner temple and cave of alchemy, and reclaim the love of your wise, wild woman.

A Whatsapp group provides additional support between retreat days and afterwards, so you feel held throughout your healing journey to wholeness.

Programme Overview

Along with our Spirit guides, the Council of Grandmothers, Elders and Ancestors will guide, support and nourish us with their power and wisdom, strengthening our resolve, building our inner resilience and assisting us in remembering and recalling our gifts and wisdom.

This is a powerful time of year as we begin our descent into the darker months of the year.  Our true nature as woman is to rest and replenish in the womb of the Mother.

These are essential ingredients we need to cultivate as women to prepare us for a loving and an abundant spring. It is one that honours our natural rhythms and cycles and flow in life.

Autumn/Winter is a perfect time to honour our ancestors and begin to heal and release old patterning brought down our mother and father lineage. There is also much ‘gold’ to be received in terms of new gifts and wisdom to be returned as we embrace our sovereignty.

Benefits to you:

  • Be held and empowered as you descend in to winter darkness as you are welcomed in to the womb of the Dark Goddess

  • Feel nourished and nurtured as you prepare for an abundant spring

  • Heal your mother and father ancestral lineage and feel empowered by their wisdom

  • Learn feminine embodiment practices to reclaim your womb and heart wisdom to feel more love, confidence and trust in yourself

  • Deepen your connection with Mother Earth and your wild nature through beautiful rituals and healing with the surrounding land, nature spirits, ancient trees and their tree spirits

  • Experience deep shamanic drum journeys that connect you with your power animals and spiritual elders to assist your healing and transformation

  • Feel nurtured and supported by your sisters, learning to receive as well as give.

  • Space to dream and sow new seeds of hope and vision that will be nurtured during the dark cycle ready to be reborn in the spring.

  • Womb and Sacral chakra healing, coming home to your inner wisdom, intuition and deep knowing.

What to bring:

  • Your Journal and water bottle

  • Items for the sacred space such as crystals, jewellery, something that represents your Mother and Father lineage, winter foliage as discussed

  • Yoga mat, blankets, cushion and whatever you need to feel really comfortable and cosy.

Price to attend £222 per person

Space is limited to 8 women offering an intimate experience with your soul sisters.

For more information and to book your place please use the link

Earlier Event: 13 November
Mindfulness Retreat Morning