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Women’s Nourishment Circle with Sonraya Grace

Location: South Room

Price To Attend: £26.71

A session for women, including those that identify themselves as a woman, young or older who would benefit from connecting more deeply with their heart/body wisdom and inner beauty and power.

Now we have arrived in September, we need space after the exuberance of summer to come back to centre, to find our inner desires and what is calling for balance. The balancing of the being and doing of our nature, that is, the sacred feminine and sacred masculine qualities.

On the day of this New Moon, the dark phase, we let go of any heaviness and limiting patterns in order to embrace a deeper sense of our true whole self. The invitation will be to sow new seeds and dreams for the coming autumn and receiving the abundance of our inner/outer harvest.

This will set the tone as we move towards the Autumn Equinox on 21/22 September a pivotal time of equilibrium, of the balancing of light and dark, feminine and masculine and spirit and matter.

In these transformational times it is so important for us to keep coming back to our centre, to nourish our inner well, to reconnect with our source of love and compassion and being in circles with our sisters is deeply supportive and empowering for us all. As one of us shifts we support the elevation and freedom of the whole.

Each session I hold I will be tuning into the energies of the day to see what is wanting to unfold and what is calling us forward to work with. I work intuitively with my higher guidance and spiritual teams and the energy of the group to see what is most beneficial for our health and wellbeing.

Typically, these monthly sessions will include a form of feminine embodiment practice including movement, sacred breath, sacred womb healing, sharing circle, working with the power of sound sometimes our drums will call and at other times a deep rest in the pure sounds of my crystal singing bowls.

Come join me this September to nourish your inner well and replenish. To move, to bring flow, rebalance, and find stability in your body as you plant yourself firmly on the Earth. It is time to develop a deeper trust in yourself and the greater force of Life that is holding you through all change.


  • Feminine sacred womb practice and breathwork to cleanse, nourish and heal.

  • Enjoy a renewed connection with your sacred womb, receive sacred healing and activations through breathwork and Sound to awaken your feminine power and increase your levels of intuition and confidence in your self-expression.

  • Realign with your soul and spirit giving you a sense of peace, clarity and knowing.

  • Feel empowered and supported as you are held within sacred space with your sisters.

  • Embrace the New Moon to bring clarity and focus to your new desires and dreams.

  • Feel safe to explore and express who you are as you are held in the oneness of the circle and the Great Mystery.

This is a sacred circle that offers you a safe, non-judgemental space to heal, connect, nourish your connection to Spirit and our beloved Mother Earth, find clarity, guidance, comfort and feel empowered to follow your path of truth, whilst held in circle with your fellow sisters.

I have been holding space for women since 2000.

Come join our circle to support your sense of belonging, community and healing.

All of you is welcome; your tears, your fears, your joy and laughter, all is honoured and witnessed with compassion and celebration in our circle.

Together we are stronger. Together we unite in sacred circle, to feel the beat of our hearts as One, to be the co-creators and builders of our New Earth.

Earlier Event: 14 September
Qigong with Richard Ellis
Later Event: 15 September
Iyengar Yoga with Elaine Rees-Rockey