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Warm Mud Bath, Cacao & Sauna

Price To Attend: £45.00

This workshop is about calling-on and thanking Mother Nature. Utilising breath, movement, ceremonial cacao and magical Ibizan mud we will call on Mother Nature to help us release what's not serving us

We will start with learning about ceremonial cacao, how to treat her with respect and set intentions.  Whilst enjoy her delicious flavours ill talk you through the history and benefits of mud baths.

Ever tried a clay mask? Now imagine that for your whole body!!

NOTE - If Sold Out join the waiting list and if enough people we'll add a session straight after

NOTE 2 - For the sauna everyone needs to have read and submitted their sauna waiver form

NOTE 3 - The sauna comfortably fits 4 and a squeeze with 6.  The sessions are for 6 people as otherwise we can't keep the price down.  If anyone has issues with close human contact, claustrophobia or similar then this is either not for you or a great opportunity to work on this.

NOTE 4 - This is an outside activity and as such we must pray to the weather gods.  If the event is cancelled we will either re-schedule for a date that suits you or refund.

NOTE 5 - for best effect try to take cacao on an empty stomach so if around lunch time maybe a light brunch would be best